It is not uncommon for a woman to want to change the size, shape or position of her breasts to create a more desirable appearance.  Reasons for choosing to have this procedure done are highly personal and range from the wish to bring into balance one breast that is significantly smaller than the other to breasts that have lost volume following pregnancy to the desire for a fuller chest to improve ones confidence.  Breast augmentation surgery, also called augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that uses implants to enlarge and shape the breasts.  It is important for the patient to discuss the reasons for wanting breast augmentation with Dr. Patrick Swier and for the patient to have realistic expectations of the results.

The Procedure

The incision for each breast implant is made in one of two locations: underneath the breast just above the crease or around the lower edge of the areola. The implant is placed either underneath the chest wall muscle or directly behind the breast tissue.  If the patient has slightly saggy breasts, appearance may be improved with implants, however, the addition of a breast lift may be necessary for desired and longer lasting results.

Implant considerations include the shape, size, surface texture, and incision location and implant placement.  All options can be discussed during your consultation.

Key Facts

Good Candidates: Adults of any age who are close to the ideal weight for their body type and size.  Patients should be moderately fit, have good muscle tone, be a healthy, non-smoker and not have a life-threatening illness or medical condition that would impair healing.  It is important to have a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind.

Anesthesia: General anesthesia

Length of procedure: This procedure takes approximately 1-2 hours but times may vary from patient to patient depending on several factors.

Length of stay: Typically the patient will go home same day

Discomfort: Swelling, soreness and bruising can last several weeks and may take up to 3 months to resolve completely.  Pain level may be mild to moderate and controlled with pain medications but will vary from patient to patient.

Recovery: The patient will be required to limit physical activity, specifically use of the upper extremities, chest and abdominal area to avoid stressing internal sutures as they heal.  It is very important to precisely follow post-op instructions given by Dr. Patrick Swier to ensure proper healing and exceptional results.  Patients are typically able to go back to work 1-3 weeks after surgery.

Final result: Improvement can be seen immediately but final results after the healing process can take up to 3 months.

Duration of results: Although implants will need to be replaced after a period of time, results will last several years as long as the patient follows all post-op instructions, maintains a healthy lifestyle and pregnancy or substantial weight-gain does not occur.

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